Sunday, February 23, 2014


This movie was titled Cinderella Man, because like the original fairy tale, Jim Braddock was able to arise from a place where he was expected to achieve nothing.  Instead he accomplished great things, surprising the nation, and even himself.  This movie was by far one of my favorites.  Not just a favorite from the selection we have seen in class, but one of the best movies I have ever seen.  One of my favorite aspects was the relationship between Jim and his wife.  These actors did an excellent job of portraying two people deeply in love.  Personally, I really liked Jim Braddock.  He was such a hard working and caring guy, you couldn't help but to fall for him.  Poverty is an issue that is timeless, and definitely a burden on our country today.  Although the entire nation was not effected as severely as during the Great Depression, certain people feel the harsh realities more than ever.

The scene in the movie when Braddock's young son steals a salami is extremely devastating.  Seeing a family so hopeless and lost that a boy of his age feels it is his responsibility because his siblings are starving and his father can't find work.  The scariest part was that this was the reality for about 25% of our nation at this time.  The son fears that he will be sent away, which crushes him because all he wants is for his family to stay one unit.  And his father, Jimmy, promises that he won't let that happen.  Sadly, he can't keep his promise under the circumstances.  Personally, I know as a young child I wouldn't be able to see the whole picture and would be hurt at the thought.  But now I am able to realize that tough decisions must be made in order to keep everyone safe and healthy.

I feel bad that the family of Max Baer has to live with the majority of the country believe that Max was a cruel, selfish, and materialistic man.  That is not fair for Hollywood to portray a young man as someone that he was not.  But, I also see why it was done, having a good villain to oppose the hero makes the story stronger.  The "come up" of James Braddock was even more meaningful because he was able to overcome two things; Max, and the economy.

This scene honestly brought tears to my eyes.  It was touching seeing a man who was so independent and previously well off, humble himself enough to a room of wealthy people who were the ones who ended his career.  It is extremely admirable to see that he was able to put his pride aside and ask for help when he had no other alternative.  This helps develop the theme of Cinderella Man, because this is his rock bottom.  In order to have a miraculous recovery, a person must be so far down that up is the only option.

1 comment:

  1. Mine too! I've seen this movie ten times and that scene gets me every time.
