Sunday, February 23, 2014


I had seen this movie when it first came out, but even over the months, my love for it has not diminished.  I love how they portray Jackie as such a strong individual, so focused on his goals that even the terrible racism surrounding him wasn't able to break him.  Another aspect of the movie I adored was his relationship with his wife Rachel.  They were each others rock, and I honestly don't know is Jackie would have have been able to endure his hardships if he didn't have Rae to come home to.  This movie is so inspiring, and every time I watch it, I feel a burst of motivation to work even harder, and do something that makes a difference.

Jackie Robinson helped his country tremendously.  His greatest gift to America was showing that African American's do belong.  That we are not a different species and can do anything that any other race can do.  Also his amazing temperament stopped the stereotype that we are ignorant hot headed people.  His time in the league put a crack in the barrier between white and black.  Blurring the lines that will one day, hopefully, be nonexistent.

His nine values should be ones that all people aspire to accomplish.  In my life, I know that there are some in which I excel, like determination, persistence, integrity, and commitment.  But also some that I know could be improved.  Mainly courage, teamwork and citizenship.  I do feel very comfortable in my small little life bubble, and don't know how willing I would be to venture into the great unknown.  Also, I am an extremely competitive person, so I struggle working equally with other people.  I have also played individual sports so my sense of unity needs work.  Lastly, I know I am a very fortunate person, and need to go out of my way to give back to those less fortunate.

This statement is completely true.  We are going to live our lives, and then one day those lives are going to end.  After that happens, then what?  However, if we spent our lives impacting and changing others, then we will forever live on in the lives of those people we have touched.  We all were put on this Earth for a reason, so I believe we have to make it count.

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