Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Introduction

HI!  My name is Adrian.  One word to describe myself is competitive.  This is both a gift and a curse seeing as though it pushes me to do great things, but also instills an obsession with winning.  My main interest consists of playing tennis along with my necessary participation in school.  Also being around my close friends and family.  But most of all having a fulfilling nap following a satisfying meal.  My goals include receiving a scholarship and attending a college equipped with a high ranking tennis team.   Long term, I hope to have a loving family and a job I look forward to working everyday.  My favorite part about school is being in constant contact with people and information.  My least favorite aspect is the constant state of worry we are forced to live in.  Always preparing for the next exam or presentation.  However, a bright light in this school system happens to be the teachers.  My favorite qualities in a teacher are passion, and understanding.  For a teacher to be able to make in impact, they have to truly be passionate about the subject they are teaching.  In addition, they have to be able to see  that their class is not the only priority on my list and there are other things that will take up my time.  History is the one class that has been able to hold my interest all throughout high school.  I never envisioned myself as having a career in history, but the content of  the classes fascinates me.

Personally, I have not seen the advances in humanity that I would have hoped.  There are parts of our past that fill our population with shame and do not give us a sense of pride.  We, as a whole, have come a long way with regards to equality and respect, but we are no where close to where we need to be.  Our world is in a constant state of conflict and war, finding ourselves with many more enemies than allies.  Technology wise we have climbed many mountains, we are able to do we things we never  thought possible.  But our brains need some time to catch up.  I feel we need to stop being so self absorbed and begin to worry about the needs of others.  Once that becomes our main focus, we will be able to excel further than we've ever imagined.

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